Introducing other organizations
Non Song The magazine Non Song has been created to preserve and to bring the Vietnamese culture to the younger generation, to link arms between the college students in the Southern California area as well as the Vietnamese Student Associations everywhere. Non Song wishes to become the open stage for the young Vietnamese to express their thoughts, their concerns, their wishes toward the family, the community and with respect to the current situation and the future of Viet Nam. Non Song Magazine 12771 Western Ave. Suit H, Garden Grove, CA 92681 URL: Email: |
Au Co
is an organization for the Vietnamese on the Internet, founded to create an encouraging medium for setting strong bond between the members through interaction on the Internet. Au Co hopes to foster sharing and helping between its members in every aspects in life, from the spiritual to the technical, from school to job. Au Co wants to maintain and develop the good points in the Vietnamese culture, and to bring its members back to the Vietnamese roots in their thinking and their mind. Au Co also wants to work with other Vietnamese cultural groups to learn as well as to help if possible. URL: Email: |
Hoa Niên is a non-profit organization established in 1981 with the aim of providing a Vietnamese language magazine written by Vietnamese youths. Over the years, Hoa Niên has expanded to become an organization providing many cultural activities and support for the many youth members in Australia. It is also involved with many other activities and non-profit organizations. Hoa Niên is now a well established organization with an Australia-wide network of distributors of its monthly magazine. URL: Email: |
Tuoi Hong is a magazine especially for the young Vietnamese oversea. The main goal is to contribute to the preservation of the Vietnamese culture, and to be a magazine for young writers who would like to share poetry, short stories and art. Tuoi Hong Magazine P.O. Box 81, Bankstown, N.S.W. 2200 AUSTRALIA URL: Email: |
Vietnamese Cultural Society
of Metropolitan Washington, DC Founded in 1989, VHVN is a non profit organization recognized by the local government. VHVN goal is to preserve and develop the Vietnamese culture in the Metropolitan Washington DC and nearby areas. Vietnamese Cultural Society of Metropolitan Washington, DC P.O. Box 5091, Falls Church, VA 22044 URL: Email: |
Phuong Do
is a non profit organization with the goal of preserving and encouraging the use of the Vietnamese language as well as her tradition. The hope of the group is bring an opportunity for the reader to read and learn Vietnamese, to share their thoughts and dreams by writing, whether they are novice or experienced authors. In addition, Phuong Do would like to be the literature bridge between the older and younger generations on the same magazine. Editors for Phuong Do 720 S. Dobson #2, Mesa, AZ 85202 URL: Email: |
Ve Nguon Summer Camp
has been organized by a group of young Vietnamese in the Eastern States. "Ve Nguon" means to return to the clear fresh mind, to the true Vietnamese, to the spirit of cooperation, love for the family, friends, and neighbors. To know how to live with nature, to love and respect nature. To learn and pass on the culture of Vietnam. Ve Nguon does not believe that returning to one's root requires a trip to the homeland; rather, Ve Nguon believes that each of us should live the Vietnamese way entirely: simplicity, cooperation, open-minded, and accepting differences. URL: Email: |
But Nhom Nang Moi is the meeting place for the young writers overseas. We hold these goals: Search for the cultural root and a direction to preserve the Vietnamese culture Create a medium to inform of activities and for young Vietnamese to practice their languages. Serve as a bridge between the generations Create an environment for the young Vietnamese oversea to learn about Vietnamese history, geography, tradition, as well as to meet and develop their talents in writing, art and music. Editor office Nang Moi Gustavsburgerstr. 23 65462 Ginsheim 2 EAST GERMANY Email: GL179@APPL2.HRZ.UNI-SIEGEN.DE URL:,56086/bnnm.htm |
Rice Bowl of Friendship This is the volunteer humanitarian program that Lua Viet has been managing since 1983 with the goal of providing assistance to the Vietnamese families and children in needs. Currently, Lua Viet is cooperating with organizations such as VNHELP and Yale Vietnam Education Fund in charitable projects in Vietnam. If you would like to learn more about this program, please feel free to contact Lua Viet or to look on this web page. Lua Viet Youth Association P.O. Box 349, Marlboro NJ 07746-0349 URL: Email: |
Vietnam Health, Education
& Literature Projects VNHELP is a private non profit organization with the goal of helping children, family and organizations in Vietnam in the eduction and health area, and to encourage the cultural exchange between Vietnam and the United States. V.N. H.E.L.P. 5232 Claremont Avenue, Oakland, CA 94612 TEL: (510) 832-4715 URL: Email: |
Social Assistance Program For
Viet Nam SAP-VN is a non profit organization founded in 1992. The mission of the group is to help the less fortunate in Vietnam, especially the orphan, the poors, and the handicapped, in the three areas of education, health and society. All assistance by SAP-VN is directly managed in Vietnam by its members from the US and the local contacts. The newsletter Green Cross is the official publication of SAP-VN. Social Assistance Program For Viet Nam 12606 Hoover Street, Garden Grove, CA 92841 URL: Email: |
Aid to Children Without
Parents ACWP is a charitable organization and its name clearly defines the goal of the group. ACWP has been active for many years and has brought countless laughters and hope to the young who has learned sorrow since childhood. Lua Viet has had the opportunities to work with ACWP in many projects. ACWP P.O. Box 21066, San Jose, CA 95151 TEL: (408) 266-7031 |
The Hunger Site At the Hunger Site, one click actually accomplishes something: It sends a serving of food to a starving person, at no cost to you. Corporate sponsors provide the food in exchange for free advertisement and links The Hunger Site PO Box 3520 Bloomington, IN 47402 U.S.A. URL: Email: |
The Angel Foundation The Angel is a non profit organization founded to reduce the problems of starving children and their medical needs & education. You can donate just by clicking on the sponsors. All donations from sponsors are sent directly to the outside organizations listed in the hall of fame. URL: Email: |
The RainForest Site The RainForest site was founded to help protect our environment using the Internet in a creative way. Visitors donate a free area of rainforest with the click of a button. These donations, distributed by the Nature Conservancy, are paid for by The Rainforest Site sponsors. The Rainforest Site 720 Olive Way, Suite 1800 Seattle, WA 98101 URL: Email: |