Latest news...

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Lua Viet Fall camp will be at Camp Baker, Bear Mountain State Park, NY, on October 11-13
Come enjoy the fall foliage, meet old friends and make new friends
Khanh Ly Concert
Khanh Ly - Tinh Ca & Ky Niem (Ballads of Remembrance)  an afternoon of chamber music, was a great success. All proceeds will be used in programs to assist handicapped children, orphans, and flood victims in Vietnam.
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Your donation for the Flood Relief effort has been a tremendous help. Read about the mission to bring aid directly to the flood victims
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Lua Viet 2002 Magazine
can still be ordered by email.
Greeting cards

Greeting cards featuring original artwork by Vu Dinh Lam are now available.
Please help Lua Viet raise funds for the Chen Gao Tinh Than program.
If you would like to help sell cards, please contact Lua Viet.

Ao Trang Calendar 2003

Ao Trang 2003 calendars are now available
Featuring 12 artistic photographs of the Vietnamese traditional long dress. 
Sale proceed is used to sponsor the orphanages in Vietnam.

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The Hunger Site The Angel Foundation The Rain Forest site

Help the less fortunate just by visiting these websites! 09/04/02 09:05